It can be tough looking good in this crazy world, particularly if you hair has been braided, a hair style that can be as high maintenance as they get. This week, we share a few easy-to-follow tips to keep your braids clean and looking cool: – Using protein enriched shampoo when washing your braids can […]
There are plenty of situations that we may find ourselves in where it’s imperative that we keep hydrated in order to help sustain energy levels, and to keep us from feeling rough in the aftermath of exercise. Whether you’re heading off up a mountain, for a long bike ride or your regular Sunday football match, […]
For even the most green-fingered gardener, the most dedicated digger and the most wilful waterer, growing exotic flowers can still be something of a struggle. Being keen to always seek out new and exciting ways of using distilled water, the team here are delighted to offer plant-keepers a new suggestion of how to keep rare, […]
The Philippine’s airlines are shipping 70 000 bottles distilled water to Japan. This is just the beginning of many relief goods that are on the way to the land devastated by the tsunami. People over there more than ever are in need of help and especially water. The earthquake and the following tsunami has hurt […]