Distilled Water

The Difference Between Distilled and Demineralised Water
There is a common misconception that distilled and demineralised water are one and the same. Seeing as both types refer to water in its purest form, it’s understandable that many people get confused. Adding to this confusion, the uses for both types are very similar. The biggest difference between these two forms of purified water […]
Are you storing your water correctly?
Considering how much you use water on a daily basis, have you stopped to wonder if you’re storing it correctly? From distilled to normal drinking water, H20 must be handled and stored with a lot of care to avoid contamination. However, often this is taken for granted and we find our machinery not functioning correctly, […]
The path of the Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System
Not so long ago, The Distilled Water Company was approached by the team behind the Galileo global navigation satellite system – Europe’s very own version of GPS (USA) and GlONASS (Russia), but dedicated only to civilian use. Our task was to provide the team with the purest water available, which we did with pleasure. When […]