You may enjoy camping and experiencing the great outdoors. If so you will have probably spent a small fortune kitting yourself out in order to be out (and about). Your tent loves to keep you dry but did you know you should be spraying even more water onto your tent to keep it in great […]
Any decent Humidor supplier will recommend, or insist on you using distilled or demineralised water in order to keep your cigars in tip top condition. Here’s why distilled water is essential in a humidor. Why is it imperative that you use distilled water when humidifying a humidor? Distilled or better still, Demineralised water is water that […]
We’ve got to point out that there isn’t a huge difference in the quality of the end product if the demineralised process is performed correctly, and ours is. But let’s look at what differences there are; Perhaps the obvious difference between demineralised water and distilled water is the method of purification Demineralised water is water […]
Distilled water is literally water that has been boiled, evaporated and condensed – leaving all chemicals, toxins and waste behind and creating pure, clean water. Distillation will remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, heavy metals, radionuclides, organics, inorganics, and particulates. Distillation is literally the method seen in nature, whereby: the sun heats the water on the earth’s […]