Distilled Water


Is the transformation of septic waste into pure water the future?

The idea of reusing waste water has been around for a long time. In the USA, farmers started using reclaimed water for irrigation around 100 years ago. The concept has grown steadily throughout the country and has also spread around the world. There are several countries around the world that have been recycling their waste […]

Distilled Water Cooling System for Computers

Generally the components inside your PC generate a great deal of heat. For the average user, the standard heat-sink-and-fan combo is sufficient. However, if you’re wanting to push your computer harder, it’s going run even hotter. That’s why anyone who wants to overclock their machine to the very max should consider a distilled water cooling […]
Water Purification

Turning Sewage into Drinkable Water through High-Tech Purification Water Purification

When you think of sewage, an awry stench is the first thing that probably comes to mind. That’s because it consists of human waste, something we find revolting and don’t have much use for unless if we want to grow an organic cabbage patch. Yet, others in the scientific field are finding new ways to […]

Exploring the use of distilled water in science

Distilled water is not only used in the medical field, it has a myriad of applications in scientific experiments.  Scientists favour this form of water, as it’s a constant and doesn’t cause any side reactions when used in the lab environment.  As you can see, it’s far from the boring, clinical product it’s made out […]

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