We continue our effort to battle myths and falsities about distilled water! Now one issue that some people bring about drinking distilled water is that it supposedly has a bland or flat taste compared to drinking tap or bottled mineral water. Here in the office we’ve actually found the opposite, that distilled water has a much more crisp taste compared to tap water, which can often taste slightly metallic due to the pipes it has to travel through.
However, we didn’t just expect our customers to take our word for it, so we decided to set up a little taste test with some students down in sunny old Brighton! Now this wasn’t the most scientific taste, but it went something along the lines of this;
- Take 12 students (preferably in the afternoon so they’ve had a chance to recover from their antics the night before).
- Sit them around a table.
- Blindfold each one of them (not necessary as the water looks identical but fun nonetheless).
- In front of them give them one glass of tap water, and one glass of distilled water.
- Ask each of them to write down which they though was tap water, and which was distilled water, and which they preferred.
Now the results from this little test were very interesting, and we’re as follows;
- 3 Students could not taste any difference between the different glasses of water.
- 6 Students preferred the taste of the distilled water.
- 3 Students preferred the taste of the tap water.
So there you go! Seems as though there is very little difference in the taste, and that the majority actually preferred the distilled water. Now we’re not content to let 12 students (and we doubt you are) prove that our water tastes better. So please try this very simple taste test yourselves and let us know how you get along with it.
If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us on contact@thedistilledwatercompany.com or call us on 0845 006 3309.
Unit B, 2 Endeavour Way London, LO, SW19 8UH United Kingdom
contact@thedistilledwatercompany.com • 0845 500 5440