Here at The Distilled Water Company, we’re big fans of finding out as many interesting facts about the world of purified liquids as we possibly can, including uses for them which seem weird and wonderful. Something that we recently came across was the fascinating world of spirit tasting/testing, in particular vodka, during which people with a palette for a stiff drink get together and compare notes on a number of brands and varieties. Apparently, when preparing produce for tasting, a number of drinkers prefer to cut the vodka in half by adding the same volume again of distilled water to the liquid- presumably so they’re not on the floor by the third shot glass. Not only this, but this method apparently also helps tasters to discern between subtle flavours in each of the vodkas. So there you have it, another fantastic way in which distilled water can be used…
Before ingesting distilled water, it is imperative that you consult a medical professional who will advise you on a suitable course of action for your needs.
For more information about our distilled water products and services- perhaps you run spirit tastings and would like to adopt the above method for your own- please do get in touch, and one of our team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
The Distilled Water Company
Unit B, 2 Endeavour Way London, LO, SW19 8UH United Kingdom • 0845 500 5440
Unit B, 2 Endeavour Way London, LO, SW19 8UH United Kingdom • 0845 500 5440