Making music: since time began, the human race have been at it, beating drums, shaking maracas, and learning incredibly complicated and impressive pieces on the violin. For some it comes easily, and the melodically inclined simply have to pick up an instrument and somehow sweet music comes from it. For those of us talented at other things (Rob, for example, can eat seven hobnobs in 45 seconds), the good old make-a-squeaky-music-sound-by-running-your-finger-over-the-rim-of-your-glass-very-quickly trick has kept us from feeling left out at any musical occasion, and it’s worked perfectly well. Now, however, we’ve recently discovered an even better way to get a great, reverberating sound when using this incredibly challenging technique, and that is to use
distilled water on the rim. Rumour has it that the minerals present in tap water, that are removed during the purification process, can make fingers stick sporadically to the glass, thus making the sound uneven; completely humiliating if one is performing at, say, a dinner party. With distilled water, the problem is combated, and your
glorious tune will travel to everyone around, potentially catapulting you to instant stardom.
If you’ve got any more
distilled water related boredom-busting ideas that you’d to share with us, please do get in touch, and one of our team will be on hand to hear your story. We look forward to hearing from you!