We’ve got to point out that there isn’t a huge difference in the quality of the end product if the demineralised process is performed correctly, and ours is. But let’s look at what differences there are; Perhaps the obvious difference between demineralised water and distilled water is the method of purification Demineralised water is water […]
A patented low-temperature cost-effective distillation process for seawater desalination has been introduced by Swiss company Watersolutions AG. A pilot plant in El Gouna, Egypt has proven the principle, with very pure water being produced reliably and efficiently. The Watersolutions LTD system condenses water at low temperature and pressure, using waste heat (50‑110°C) from thermal processes […]
Distilled water is literally water that has been boiled, evaporated and condensed – leaving all chemicals, toxins and waste behind and creating pure, clean water. Distillation will remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, heavy metals, radionuclides, organics, inorganics, and particulates. Distillation is literally the method seen in nature, whereby: the sun heats the water on the earth’s […]
A motorized rickshaw which runs on 80 per cent distilled water and 20 per cent liquid petroleum gas has been developed by students at the Mechanical Department of the MVJ College of Engineering, in Bangalore, India. The vehicle does not actually use distilled water as fuel; instead, the water is used to improve the efficiency […]