Distilled Water Used to Fight Crime

For Law Enforcement Officers in California, calling upon other agencies or staff to collect DNA from a crime scene is a thing of a past. The new initiative, which is now is full swing across the Pacific Grove area, has seen all Officers issued within their own mini forensic kit, meaning that they’re able to […]

Distilled Water for Facial Steamers

Did you know that you should always use distilled water for your facial steamer? We can give you some very useful tips on how to take care of your steamer so it lasts for a long time and keeps you beautiful. Fist of all you should check if your steamer can handle aromatherapy. If not, […]

Distilled Water makes Beautiful Music

Whether you’ve had a wonderful day or a stressful day, if you just feel like chilling out or want to release some pent-up energy, music can help you do so. Creating your own tunes can also be incredibly therapeutic, particularly when you know members of the general public will be able to enjoy your compositions. […]

Distilled Water Changes Icicle Shapes

With all the extreme wintery weather that we’re experiencing around the world, there are many beautiful things in nature to be enjoyed and admired. Snow blanketing the ground and icicles forming from ledges everywhere make peace and harmony seem to be everywhere. Being something of an enthusiast of frozen water, icicles in particular, Stephen Morris […]

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