Distilled Water in Beauty

Here at the Distilled Water Company, we know that many of our readers- and other distilled water fans who may not, as of yet, discovered our blog-are concerned with making themselves look lovely every day, just because they’re worth it. We also know that everyone loves knowing something useful about anything at all- which is […]

Distilled Water Runs Cars

Students decided to buy distilled water to power a pickup truck for their recent project in their Community College’s Automotive Systems department. To the amazement of everyone, they successfully powered a pick up truck using the water. They used a Dodge Ram from 1997, a vehicle that allows water to be used as part of […]

Distilled Water for Ice Cubes?

A bar in Salt Lake City has been looking for ways in which to make better/larger/exciting ice cubes, and have experimented with distilled water to try and find a solution. Karen Olsen, owner of Metropolitan, a lively and attractive night-time venue, has recently set her team to work to discover not only great new cocktails […]

Great Travel Sprays contain Distilled Water

If you regularly travel long distances, you may well have a stash of refreshing essentials that you take with you everywhere you go, to help keep you feeling awake and revitalised at all times of the day or night. For those less inclined to jet-set across the world, a few tips on how to stock […]

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