There are many little tips and tricks that you can use to not only keep your car in good running order, but also preserve the condition of its engine and battery for as long as possible. Using distilled water instead of tap water in your car battery is one of those little tricks, that can […]
If there’s one thing you can be certain of whenever you buy or find an ancient coin, is that the coins will probably (read: definitely) require some cleaning. These ancient coins, which are often quite valuable collector’s items, frequently have a thick encrustation from being buried for long periods of time – sometimes for a […]
Water quality is constantly variable. To produce demineralised water of a very high purity, it must undergo a process whereby the two main types of impurity are removed. These two types of impurity can loosely be defined as: Suspended Solids – such as finely divided solid matter that is too small to settle out of […]
The Distilled Water Company prides itself on its reputation as a supplier of distilled water across the UK. But recently, the Company exceeded its own performance parameters and saw its distilled water venture out into space as a part of the Galileo project. Read on to find out just what our distilled water has played a […]