Avoid Using Distilled Water on Icy Surfaces

Living in a time when extreme weather conditions are becoming the norm can be something of a drag, even for the most dedicated nature enthusiast, and particularly if you want to keep your clearing methods environment-friendly. Knowing how to rid snow and ice from your driveway or the pavement outside your house, and to how […]

Cleaning Salt Build-up in Christmas Cactus

Distilled water will help you clean the white powdery salt build-up on your Christmas Cactus flower pot. The Christmas Cactus is a beautiful soft cactus which blooms just for the Holidays! Each year it will delight you with its colourful blooms. What is interesting about this plant is that it isn’t really a cactus like […]

Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite!

Distilled Water has many great uses, and one is to help you fight off bedbugs on your travels this holiday season. When we take to the road to visit family for the Holidays its common to end up sleeping in questionable hotels along the way which means strange beds. You never know what microscopic little […]

Cleaning your Home Water Distiller

In order to ensure a longer and more productive life of your Home Water Distiller you must make sure that you continuously upkeep and clean it. Having it properly cleaned continuously and properly is essential for it to always serve you the same way as the first day. The cleaning of your water distiller is […]

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