Uses of Distilled Water: Part 1

Purified, or distilled, water can be useful for tonnes of things, which is one of the reasons that we at the distilled water company are so fond of it. In celebration of this, we’ve decided to share with you some of our preferred uses of our favourite liquid; who knows, maybe you’ll find a new […]

What is Distilled Water?

We at the Distilled Water Company love distilled water; clearly, otherwise we wouldn’t be so passionately writing, reading, discovering about, experimenting with and selling it. We also know that it is something of a mystery to many, and for these said many, questions such as, ‘what is distillation’, ‘what does distilled water taste like’, and […]

Correction: Distilled Water and Boeing 707 Engines

We recently received the following email in reference to our to our information on distilled water page on our website – “Hi, Not that is any of my business but your description of the use of distilled water to cool the old 707 engines is not correct. I flew them for 14 years. It would […]

Distilled water for your aquarium

Distilled water can be a useful addition to your aquarium, bringing with it a range of advantages and benefits for you and your fish. Normal tap water contains unwanted contaminants, such as chlorine, and mineral salts which can affect the ph level of the water in your aquarium. As water evaporates, only the pure water […]

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