Distilled Water Taste Test

We continue our effort to battle myths and falsities about distilled water!  Now one issue that some people bring about drinking distilled water is that it supposedly has a bland or flat taste compared to drinking tap or bottled mineral water.  Here in the office we’ve actually found the opposite, that distilled water has a […]

Busting Myths about Distilled Water

We continue in our quest to re-educate the masses about the benefits of distilled water, and to stop the spread of strange myths that seem to be all over the internet regarding distilled water.  Some of these ‘facts’ range from the silly to the downright absurd! Take, for example, the idea that apparently some of […]

Myths about Distilled Water

There are quite a few misconceptions about distilled water, one of these is that during the distillation process any minerals that may benefit the body are removed from the water – therefore tap water is better for you because it still has those minerals.  This is completely false!  If we were to really on getting […]

The Benefits of Distilled Water

Drinking distilled water is really important for staying healthy and avoiding getting ill or catching viruses.  Food and water are after all the two most important things that humans need to stay alive,  so it’s definitely a good thing to make sure the water we drink is as clean as possible.  Tap water can actually […]

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