Posts Tagged ‘Deionised Water’

Demineralised Water for your Humidifier
Demineralised water has many great uses. One such use can be applied in one household appliance which is very important during the winter months. As the weather outside gets cold we turn our heaters on, which in turn dry out the air. This is when we take out our ultrasonic humidifier to help us and […]
Uses of deionised water
Having last week explored the differences between distilled and deionised water in our aptly named blog, “Differences between deionised and distilled water”, this week we answer your questions about the uses of this substance, and how they’ll differ from those of distilled water. Topping up of lead acid batteries in cars: This is one of […]
Differences between deionised and distilled water
We know that our customers love distilled water, but not many know the differences between distilled water and deionised water. We at the distilled water company are here to help- and to do so, we’re providing you, our loyal reader, with an explanation of the two substances. Distilled water is made through a process of […]