You’ll be thrilled to hear that there’s another way you can catch up on all the distilled water goss as it happens- The Distilled Water Company page AboutUs is wiki based site and the page basically sums up our company and what we do, so that lovely people like you can read all about […]
Since we began the distilled water blog, we have strived to find new and interesting uses for distilled water, that we can then impart to you, dear reader, so that you may in turn share the wisdom with all your friends, family, neighbours, the milkman, and any other purified liquids enthusiasts that you may come […]
Reading about people around the world using distilled water makes us excited- which shouldn’t really be surprising or shocking to you, dear reader, as we do sell it after all. This week, however, we read of a distilled water fan using it for medical purposes, and we’d like to (gently) put him straight. We recently came […]
Being big fans of world news, particularly when it concerns distilled water, we recently read a very interesting article indeed, published on the Straits Times, a Singapore press holding website. The article itself explained how several members of the Singaporean public, along with Dr Walter Kim drank water from a local river. Sounds absurd, of […]