Distilled Water Facial for a Monument

Distilled water is the number one helper of archaeologists who are trying to restore monuments facing the sea. The shore temple of Memallapuram, India is currently being restored with the help of this water. Whenever a monument is facing the ocean, erosion occurs. The winds that are blowing from the ocean to the mainland are […]

Wash your Veg in Distilled Water

For those of us health-conscious lot who love to munch on fruit and veg, washing them can be something of an ordeal, particularly when there is so much conflicting information about what we should use to cleanse our carrots, apples and other goodies, and some that says we shouldn’t do it at all. Recent tests […]

Distilled Water Plant Uncovered in Weymouth

Mayor of Weymouth and Portland, Paul Kimber, recently uncovered a detailed scaled drawing of a naval base in the area that was fully functioning during the Second World War. Mr Kimber stumbled across the papers by chance whilst clearing out the Mayor’s Parlour ahead of plans for redecoration of the rooms, when he came across […]

You Can Make You Own Distilled Water

Here is how you can make you own distilled water. Fill in a 5 gallon pot of stainless steel with tap water. If you have a filter it is even better, because the water will not have chlorine and other chemicals inside. Put a round bowl made of glass in the pot. Make sure it […]

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