Being big fans of world news, particularly when it concerns distilled water, we recently read a very interesting article indeed, published on the Straits Times, a Singapore press holding website. The article itself explained how several members of the Singaporean public, along with Dr Walter Kim drank water from a local river. Sounds absurd, of […]
Following last week’s blog exploring the health benefits of drinking distilled water, the second in the two-part series sees us talking about the other side of the coin, about the negative effects it can have on one’s health. -It has been found that in some ‘hard water’ areas, where the water is rich with minerals, […]
There are ongoing debates about whether or not we should be drinking distilled water, as some say that consuming it for prolonged periods of time, without balancing out your intake with regular mineral water, can cause health problems. In the first of our new two-part blog, we explore some of the supposed benefits of drinking […]
We all know by now that distilled water has tonnes of uses, some of which come as a surprise to us and our clients/blog readers, and we always love to find out about new ones. The most common use of our distilled water is for scientific experiments, as its pure form allows for accurate results […]