If you are interested in finding an alternative to your usual morning cup of black tea or coffee, there are many interesting and great tasting herbal teas out there. Many also have added health benefits, from boosting your circulation to aiding sleep. There’s a herbal tea to suit everyone and to treat most ailments. Chamomile is a […]
January is the time when many of us start to think about detoxification. All the Christmas and New Year festivities are over, the weather is pretty miserable, and we often suffer from the winter blues. So what better than to take the opportunity to cleanse and detoxify our bodies, ready for the year ahead. There […]
Given the high toxicity levels of many commonplace household cleaning products, many of us are on the lookout for greener cleaning solutions. Among two of the most useful natural products that fit the bill are white vinegar and distilled water, a solution of which will get through most of your everyday cleaning tasks with ease. […]
Distilled water is H2O in its purest form. It is water without the minerals and other deposits found in tap or bottled water. The main component of distilled water is hydrogen, which is a significant source of energy, and has numerous potential applications as a renewable, clean energy source. Hydrogen is the element with the […]